Company News Releases...
Pacific Booker Minerals Inc. Provides Information on Economic Effects
Vancouver BC, February 6, 2013: The Company would like to provide some
information on the Morrison Copper/Gold Project’s economic effects.
The total Project expenditures during the life of the Project are estimated to
be approximately $2.5 billion.
Provincial Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of the value added to the
provincial economy by activities attributable to the Project. During the two
year construction period, the total increase in GDP from the Project’s direct,
indirect, and induced effects are expected to total $104.3 million in each year
of construction for a total of $208.6 million.
The Project will provide 1,117 jobs per year during the two year construction
period. In each year of the construction period, the Project and Supply Industry
employees would benefit from $78.7 million in household income for a total of
$157 million.
The contribution to government tax revenues during the two year construction
period will annually generate $22 million in direct tax revenue, of which $9.5
million would go to the federal government and approximately $12.7 million would
go to the province. In addition, the supply industry will generate $7.1 million
in federal tax revenue, $5.7 million in provincial tax revenue and $0.9 million
in municipal tax revenue. The total annual government tax revenue is estimated
to be $35.8 million per year for a total of $71.6 million.
During the 21 year operation period, the total increase in GDP from the
Project’s direct, indirect, and induced effects are estimated to total $50
million annually for a total of $1,050 million ($1.05 billion).
The Project will provide 601 jobs per year during the 21 years operation period.
In each year of operation, the Project and Supply Industry employees will
benefit from $34.9 million in household income for a total of $723.9 million.
The contribution to government tax revenues during the 21 year operation period
will annually generate $5.4 million in direct tax revenue, of which $2.9 million
would go to the federal government and $2.5 million would go to the province. In
addition, the supply industry would generate $3.0 million in federal tax
revenue, $2.5 million in provincial tax revenue and $0.7 million in municipal
tax revenue. The total annual government tax revenue is estimated to be $11.7
million per year for a total of $245.7 million.
The total tax revenue from construction and operations is $317.3 million in
federal, provincial and municipal taxes. Please note that the Provincial Mineral
Tax calculation is not included in this calculation.
The information provided above is taken from the Environmental Assessment
Certificate documentation prepared by the BCEAO (report dated August 21, 2012)
for the Morrison Copper/Gold Project, and is available at the following link, in
Table 10 (on page 109) and Table 11 (on page 111).
See here.
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On Behalf of the Board of Directors
“Erik Tornquist”
Erik Tornquist, Director