Company News Releases...
Pacific Booker Minerals Inc. Clarifies Morrison Lake Limnological Data
Vancouver BC, December 6, 2012: The Company would like to provide some
additional information on the amount of data collected to support the Company’s
understanding of Morrison Lake Water.
The Company has collected Baseline data to support the Application for an
Environmental Assessment Certificate since 2003 through 2011. Baseline water
quality has been monitored in Morrison Lake receiving ephemeral (intermittent)
streams since 2003 and Morrison Lake, an upper oligotrophic lake (poor in
nutrients and plant life and rich in oxygen), since 2006. Water quality sampling
was conducted at five sites on Morrison Lake, at multiple depths (surface,
thermocline and bottom). A depth profile including in situ measurements of
temperature profiles to confirm stratification, pH, dissolved oxygen, total
dissolved solids, conductivity and oxidation reduction potential was conducted.
Water sampling included sampling during freshet (Ice-Off) which confirmed that
the lake turns over. A bathymetry survey was conducted in 2008.
The BC Environmental Assessment Office website states that “Usually it takes 12
months to gather the required environmental baseline information needed”.
Aquatic resources data included water quality, sediment, fish habitat surveys,
benthic invertebrate and plankton, periphyton taxonomy, chlorophyll and biomass;
drift net sampling; and fish sampling, including metals analysis.
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans conducted annual salmon escapements into
Morrison River and Tahlo Creeks since approximately 1930. The Lake Babine Nation
conducted Sockeye Spawning surveys in the fall of 2010 and 2011. In 2011, the
sockeye populations of the Morrison Watershed experienced a relatively abundant
return, however, the total number of Sockeye spawners observed in Morrison Lake
only totalled 224.
The Morrison Lake Data Summary Report is available at the following link:
Please copy and paste this link in your internet browser if you experience any
difficulties with it.
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On Behalf of the Board of Directors
“Erik Tornquist”
Erik Tornquist, Director